UPCOMING EVENTS: 26th July: Kargil Vijay Diwas to be commamorated as Shaheed Samriti Diwas

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

189 Visitors for Physiotherapy Centre in June'09

After a lean patch, the permanent project of the branch The Physiotherapy Centre is showing a steady increase in no. of visitors. It has been possible by the continuous efforts of the projects directors Mr. Vijay Garg and Mr. Hutesh Sethi coupled with constant support from all the members who are now referring the centre to everyone they come in contact with.
Last month a few steps were taken to improve the centre like putting a water camphor, placing a curtain partition and efforts to place a full time physiotherapist.
189 Visitors availed the benefits of the centre in June month. Branch has a target of 1000 visitors every month.